Nairobi's Greatest Hits, Vol 1
We were all duly enchanted by the Giraffe Center. The Rothschild giraffe (the most giraffiest of giraffe) only had about 100 individuals alive in the late 60’s. Since then, as many as 12 have been in residence at the Center and the babies at about age 3 are released back into the wild. Now there are at least 600 in protected areas around Kenya.
We loved feeding them pellets onto their slimy, long black tongues and learning about each animal’s personality from one of the keepers. We got a kick out of the fact that they distinguish between to the types of pellets, as one is healthier and the other more sweetened with molasses. Lilly the giraffe will reject the healthier ones or spit them out.
We also visited Kazuri beads, a factory that employs disadvantaged women who are often single mothers. We got to learn how they source, process, and form the clay into beads and pottery. Willa and I both left with a colorful necklace.